One important feature is that every member of the organization has one profile with professional and personal information. This creates more personal communication since you are not sending a message to an email address but to a person that you know his face, his age, etc. Besides, common hobbies or tastes among members of the company can create a better relation between them that may increase the collaboration within the organization. The fact that anyone in the company may find out quickly how many daughters the president has or if the CEO is a fan of sailing, impacts the sense of belonging to the company which increases satisfaction and productivity.
There is also a calendar feature that mostly works similar to Google Calendars in the sense that anyone uploads their availability (that can be seen by anyone else) and if I want to arrange a meeting between some members of the company, it automatically tells me which are the possible time slots to hold it. This makes things fasters, avoiding long email chains to adjust the time to everyone availability.
When a new worker enters the company, the SNS plays a very important role. It grants the newcomer with instant access to working info in all the company. He or she can rapidly find out what his or her office mate is working on and other similar stuff. This entails a faster adjustment of new members and a quicker learning curve about companies’ procedures.
The SNS is also a very valuable tool for managers since it can give very relevant info. For example, the SNS can output in an ordered fashion which are the most active workers or the most popular projects within the company (by using a rating system similar to the “like it” in Facebook). Furthermore, managers can also find out the amount of internal communication between workers and can team together workers that easily communicate between them, increasing team productivity.
Finally (although the list can be made much longer), the SNS gives everyone easy access to past files that may be useful for future projects. It is easy to find spread sheets designed by someone